Trust is important in a relationship,
without trust, a couple can't last long.
With trust,
we get jealous less often,
we don't easily believe other peoples lies about our mates,
we don't think about all the negative possibilities,
we don't think the worst about our mates when something happens,
we forgive easily,
we argue less,
we don't have to control,
we don't have to monitor,
we don't have to research,
we don't have to spy,
we don't have to check.
That's how important trust is in a relationship.
Two days ago, i lost her trust,
I've forgotten to tell her what should have been told,
and for that, i'm deeply sorry and apologize from the bottom of my heart.
Now, it's my responsibility to gain back that trust,
the trust that means so much to having a long relationship,
Wait and see, i'll succeed =]
Love you amanda,
okay. I'm waiting patiently =DD
LOve you, muack!
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