
Amanda didn't think we'd be suitable for each other,
But I don't think so,
There are plenty of couples like us,
Why do I love her?

She's pretty,
She's athletic,
She has a gorgeous smile,
She's friendly,
She's kind,
She's caring,
She is forgiving,
She loves me,

She cheers me up when I'm down,
She supports me whenever needed,
She congratulates me when I win,
She accompanies me when I feel lonely,
She talks on the phone with me during midnight when I just had a nightmare,
She gives me confidence whenever I need it,
She worries about me when I'm not feeling well,
She cares about me whenever, wherever,
She even supports the football club because I support the team.

She's the first person I think of when I wake up,
She's the last person I think of when I go to sleep,
She's the person I want to spend my life with.

What more reasons do I need to prove that our love is real?
Amanda, don't think that because we're from different family backgrounds, it means that we're not meant for each other.

Muackx, ILY Always =]


Charles and Amanda said...

I love charles forever.
We are the same...muackx!!!

Two Is Better Than One - Boys like Girls ft. Taylor Swift

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